One of the more unique areas of Mr. Wooten’s law practice is the attractive and interesting area of entertainment law. Mr. Wooten represents clients who are established within the entertainment industry or who are seeking to establish themselves within the entertainment industry. Mr. Wooten became involved in the entertainment industry while he was studying for his undergraduate degree at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. While in St. Louis, Mr. Wooten gained experience managing a very prominent musical artist along with other musical and entertainment groups in the Mid-West area. Mr. Wooten has since represented other prominent artists in contract negotiations, endorsement and licensing deals, setting up corporations and business structures, assisting with obtaining trademarks for their products, copyrighting their and providing other legal advice to his clients within the entertainment world. Now that Mr. Wooten’s law office is located in close proximity to two of the most musically eclectic cities in the country, Memphis and Nashville, he is hoping to attract more talented clients in order to help them establish themselves in their musical field and better promote and sell their products.